820 E. 3rd St, Tulsa OK. +1 (918) 810-5402


Brooke is a doctor on the front lines fighting COVID-19. I wanted to share her story here as a thank you to all of the medical professionals who are risking their lives to put an end to this pandemic. I'm grateful for the sacrifices everyone is making so we can go back to connecting through art-making, culture, and business as usual.Back in 2017, Brooke came to me with the desire to be photographed. Her one request- "make it beautiful". I'll be honest, she's one of the most modest clients I've ever had in the studio. But her shine isn't any dimmer because of it. In fact, Brooke's modest nature transformed into stunningly vulnerable portraiture that captures the true inner goddess which lies within every woman.
May 1, 2020
Sometimes a client comes in the studio and has the ability to unleash new visions through their essence alone. This was the case with April. She entered the studio full of creativity and humor. We went through more sets than I can share in one post. Her openness to try anything led to the creation of timeless imagery that speaks true to her character. True visual magic happens when a woman is confident inside and out. I hope to inspire this kind of experience for every woman I photograph. Imagery is a powerful window to the soul.
April 21, 2020
Sometimes boudoir gets a reputation for being overly provocative imagery, but that's never been my take on the art form. Every client I work with has a unique character that I aim to capture through striking imagery. Julie came to me with a vision of poise and class. She has a presence reminiscent of a modern Grace Kelly. I did my best to capture her elegant nature in the images shared below!
April 1, 2020
Wow.What a time we're living in.We have all been affected by the COVID-19 crisis in one way or another. Whether it be economically, emotionally, or in work. It’s difficult for me to get my head out of the fog as I process the unfolding of this pandemic. The thought of editing or even getting on my computer feels gut-wrenching. But we all must stay positive and persevere!I took last week to absorb it all and here’s what I came up with: Replenish.
March 24, 2020
March 11, 2020
All Voulez Vous portrait sessions are fine art creations— but what makes fine art different from other portrait experiences? Fine Art is defined as art developed primarily for aesthetics or beauty (as opposed to art that is designed for practical function). In photography, fine art is classified as imagery created in line with the vision of the photographer to express an idea, message, or emotion.Booking a session at Voulez Vous means that you are signing up for an opportunity to bring a creative expression of your own beauty to life. I conduct every shoot with a well thought out creative process. None of my clients are subject to pose merely for the sake of a sexy photo. I work intentionally with light, shadows, curves, and lines to accentuate the unique beauty of every individual.
February 12, 2020
This week we are facing fears. We all have fears that hold us back from stepping fully into our divine life path. For most of us, our fears stem from insecurities. We focus too much on all the things that could go wrong. Sometimes we play through worst case scenarios in our mind that only feed that voice of fear.In order to really lean into the life that is most fulfilling for us, we have to be willing to take a few chances on ourselves. Most of the negative outcomes that feed our fears never actually play out in reality. It's important to remind ourselves that we have the power to manifest positive outcomes in our life just by shifting our thoughts to focus on all the ways things could go right!I faced one of my fears this week when I recorded a LIVE video to promote the Rise & Shine Retreat happening in April. There's nothing scarier than going live online for all of the world to see you completely unfiltered. All of the negative what-if's were racing through my mind.What if I can't think of anything to say, ramble too much, or forget the name of my own studio?!Focusing on these what-if's only take away from the energy I could spend getting excited to share my message! And you know what, I went LIVE yesterday and I'm still smiling and breathing today. Plus, more people are excited for the retreat and know a lot more about my vision.Thinking negative detracts from really preparing yourself for all of the abundance that could pour into your life when you take a leap of faith and do something that scares you. So what scares you? I want to know. Identify a fear that keeps you from making your dreams reality and face that fear head on this week. Let me know how empowered you feel after!(Another fear I faced this week: Sharing this self-portrait I took in Scotland! Even the photographer gets nervous ladies.. Do what scares you!)
January 31, 2020
Meet Mickie, one of my stunning 50 and wiser clients. When Mickie and I collaborated to design her shoot concept, we came up with a collection on portraits that were family friendly as well as some tasteful and sexy boudoir. While I love capturing all forms and stages of the female journey, 50 and wiser women are one of my favorite groups to photograph. As we evolve, It's important to remind ourselves that we still have that spark of sensuality!Women! You can be sexy at any age. Don't let the word "boudoir" scare you away. Mickie's allure is effortless and spunky and these photos are here to be a forever reminder for her, and her family. Take a look through her gallery and see how true beauty can be captured at any age.
January 22, 2020
Open any given social media app and you're met by the highlight reel of everyone’s life. It seems like the comparison game is showing up even in the realm of professional success. Digital ad campaigns target entrepreneurs' insecurities. They call on businesses to increase online engagement, post at the perfect times, and triple their following with secret tips and tricks. These ads seem to be adding more to the dogma that our efforts aren’t enough.
January 15, 2020
Voulez Vous is gearing up to celebrate the holiday of love. Boudoir photos make for a classic Valentine’s Day gift and if you’re looking to give your loved one some steamy pics or an empowering boudoir experience, then now is the time to book! I'm offering 1/2 OFF boudoir sessions now through Valentine's day!!Fine art boudoir is timeless. You and your partner can both cherish these portraits for years to come. Unlike gifting jewelry or perfume, a boudoir photoshoot gives your partner a complete experience with something tangible to walk away with. I offer several package options to choose from. Whichever you choose, you will receive a timeless collection of art that is both empowering and alluring.Sessions are limited! To book today, simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page or give me a call at (918) 810-5402.1/2 OFF sessions available now through February 14th. Last day to book to receive images before Valentine's day is January 31st.Spice up your Valentine’s Day this year with the gift of love and empowerment! Reserve your session while they’re still available.
January 8, 2020

join the voulez vous society

The Voulez Vous Boudoir Society is a private group on Facebook celebrating your journey to self-love. Women in the society share their daily stories, life hacks, and creative projects to keep each other inspired and growing towards the women we truly wish to be. Members of the Voulez Vous Boudoir Society enjoy special offers, exclusive Voulez Vous content, and a supportive sisterhood. Head on over and begin your journey!

join the facebook group